Posted on 5/29/2018

It’s summertime, and that means time to plan for family road trips. We Americans love road trips – they’re a fun and affordable way to get your whole group of friends or family somewhere, with awesome stops and views along the way. But if you want your road trip to go according to plan, it’s essential that you make sure your car is in perfect road trip condition. If you just fill it up with gas and miss the other necessary checks, you could end up creating unnecessary stops along the way and even put your family and friends in danger. So, before hitting the road, there are several things you need to do to make sure that your car is ready for a summer road trip… #1 Make sure your car is up to service Even if you think you had your car serviced somewhat recently, you need to remember that taking your car on a long road trip will quickly add those miles that will bring your car back to a condition in need of service again. So, taking ... read more
Posted on 5/21/2018

Today’s day and age is all about DIY (Do It Yourself). The big trend is also all about finding new and creative ways to recycle and repurpose different things that have lost their capabilities of their original purpose or use. It is the ultimate win when you can save money by creating something trendy out of something old, while also contributing to taking care of the earth by recycling items. The creative ideas that people come up with when it comes to repurposing are incredible. Keep on reading to learn 5 cool ways to repurpose your old tires. #1 Tire planters There a lot of cool different ways to turn your old tires into planters. You choose the design that appeals to you and looks best in your yard. You can either paint your tires and simply add your mulch and plants in the middle or you can paint and hang up your tires and use the inside as the planter (click here to find ... read more
Posted on 5/15/2018

If you are like any normal person who drives a car, it is likely that you have experienced the frustration, trouble, and annoyance of spending too much money filling up your car with gas. Maybe you have found yourself visiting the gas station all too often and thinking to yourself, “didn’t I just fill up?”. Although the majority of the fault for frequent fill-ups lies within the maker of your car, the size of your car, and of course, how often you drive your car, what many car owners do not realize is that there are things that they themselves can do that will help improve their car’s fuel efficiency. #1 Make sure that your tires are properly inflated Check your tire pressure regularly, we would suggest at least once a month, and especially before you take your car on any long road trips. This helps to ensure better gas mileage and safety. Under-inflated tires require more energy from the car and in turn burn up more of your fuel. #2 Utilize your cruise contr ... read more
Posted on 5/9/2018

May is the month that comes along in which we try and plan something special for our mothers. They have done it all for us growing up, so it’s important to us to take this one day to really try and make it special for them. The problem is trying to figure out what you can do to make this day special. Well, this year, when you get the flowers and the card, why not add a gift that is practical as well? Of course, moms love the cheesy and lovey-dovey stuff, but the ultimate gift this year will be taking care of your mom’s oil change. We all know how annoying it is to have to set aside time in our busy schedules to go and get an oil change, and the last thing you would want is your mom having to sit and wait by herself at a McKinney car shop on Mother’s Day, so why not do something truly special for mom and take care of getting her oil changed for her? Not only will this show your mom how much you care by the ... read more