Monthly Archives: July 2022

My Car Feels Sluggish — What Could Be The Cause?

My Car Feels Sluggish — What Could Be The Cause?

Does your car fail to pick up speed even when you've floored the pedal? It is an indicator of a mechanical problem. Unless you see a mechanic immediately, you should brace yourself for harm. Any vehicle that is well-tuned and whose system receives fuel amply should pick up speed as expected. However, sluggish acceleration could be an indicator of one of the following mechanical malfunctions: Dirty Air Filter Your car engine's air filters trap debris from the air that enters the engine for efficient combustion. When the air filters are clogged, the air is insufficient in the engine, and the air-to-fuel ratio is incorrect. The condition results in improper combustion and annihilates acceleration. Misaligned Timing Belt An engine's timing belt is linked to the camshaft and crankshaft and helps to manage the engine's pistons. A slight misalignment of the timing belt causes acceleration problems because of improper timing of the opening and closing of the engine's va ... read more