Posted on 11/28/2018

If you stepped into your car this winter and turned on the heat only to find that your heater is just blowing cold air, you may not be alone. This is actually not a completely uncommon car problem. While not uncommon, it is frustrating, especially on a cold winter morning when you have to sit in a freezing cold car on your way to work. There are a few basic issues that usually lead to the blowing of cool air from one’s car heating system: There isn’t enough coolant in the engine There is a problem with your heater core Your thermostats are not working correctly Your heating controls are broken You may have water leaks Knowing and understanding a bit more about how your heater works and the problems that can go wrong will only aid you in the journey to having the problem fixed at your nearby McKinney Car Shop. When there isn’t enough coolant in the engine ... read more