Monthly Archives: July 2021

How Do I Know If I Need an Oil Change?

How Do I Know If I Need an Oil Change?

It's no secret that the top essential maintenance step you can take to keep your car running smoothly and efficiently is simply getting regular oil changes. You've probably already heard of the three months or 3,000 miles rule, but it's not 100 percent accurate. Some cars can go longer between changes, while some older vehicles or ones with high mileage may need more frequent replacements.    How do you know when it's time to take your vehicle in for an oil change?  CHECK YOUR OIL REGULARLY We can't emphasize enough how important it is to inspect your oil levels on a regular basis. Oil is necessary to keep your engine running smoothly, and if you don't have enough or it's dirty, the parts aren't getting lubricated. You can sustain severe damage if you don't get it taken care of. To check your oil: Start by removing the dipstick. Wipe it on a paper towel or cloth and place it in the reservoir. Remove it again and inspect it on th ... read more