Posted on 11/28/2018

If you stepped into your car this winter and turned on the heat only to find that your heater is just blowing cold air, you may not be alone. This is actually not a completely uncommon car problem. While not uncommon, it is frustrating, especially on a cold winter morning when you have to sit in a freezing cold car on your way to work. There are a few basic issues that usually lead to the blowing of cool air from one’s car heating system: There isn’t enough coolant in the engine There is a problem with your heater core Your thermostats are not working correctly Your heating controls are broken You may have water leaks Knowing and understanding a bit more about how your heater works and the problems that can go wrong will only aid you in the journey to having the problem fixed at your nearby McKinney Car Shop. When there isn’t enough coolant in the engine ... read more
Posted on 11/19/2018

While the holidays are all about spending cherished time with our loved ones, family and friends, that often entails traveling to see one another. The holidays are a special and happy time of year; however, they are also a very busy time of year. Inevitably, busyness often leads to carelessness. When we are distracted by all the things on our to-do list, or by our noisy family in the car, it can lead our minds to wander while we are driving. If you aren’t completely focused while you are driving it can very dangerous, especially when the roads are busy during the holidays. Despite all that you have going on, remember the importance of practicing these driving tips for safety and efficiency while traveling this Thanksgiving. Make sure your car is road ready The first step you should take before any long road trip is ensuring that your car is road ready. This means making sure your vehicle’s servicing is up-to-date, etc. If you have a ... read more
Posted on 11/12/2018

Regular servicing and car maintenance help to keep your car running smoothly to keep you and your loved ones safe on the road. However, unexpected car trouble can happen and without knowing what the problem is, it can run you a pretty penny to get your car fixed. Here are 5 of the most common auto repairs of which you may encounter at some point or another. Oxygen Sensor Repair The oxygen sensor is responsible for measuring the amount of oxygen in the exhaust which is unburned. It communicates with the computer in your car and tells it if the levels are too high or too low. The oxygen sensor is important to get fixed ASAP. If not, you run the risk of causing damage to the catalytic converter, wasting gas, and damage to the engine. A knowledgeable mechanic will be able to diagnose if your oxygen sensor is going or has gone out. Engine Coolant Temperature ... read more
Posted on 11/5/2018

In order to maximize the value, performance, and life of your vehicle, you should make regular servicing and maintenance a priority. While certain parts of your vehicle only need to be checked on every so often, other parts of your vehicle should be checked up on more frequently and regularly in order to ensure your safety as well as the longevity of your car. You may be surprised how often people do permanent, and expensive, damage to their car because they forgot to have it serviced. That’s why it is so important to keep up with your car’s maintenance schedule as well as its service interval record. Knowing your vehicle as well as being aware of what needs to be implemented in its care is key to maintaining it properly. Stay familiar with your owner’s manual as it will most likely give you all the answers you need. If you have more questions or concerns, or want to have a better understanding of your car and how it works, you should turn to your trusted mechanic at your regular Mc ... read more