Posted on 11/5/2018

In order to maximize the value, performance, and life of your vehicle, you should make regular servicing and maintenance a priority. While certain parts of your vehicle only need to be checked on every so often, other parts of your vehicle should be checked up on more frequently and regularly in order to ensure your safety as well as the longevity of your car. You may be surprised how often people do permanent, and expensive, damage to their car because they forgot to have it serviced. That’s why it is so important to keep up with your car’s maintenance schedule as well as its service interval record. Knowing your vehicle as well as being aware of what needs to be implemented in its care is key to maintaining it properly. Stay familiar with your owner’s manual as it will most likely give you all the answers you need. If you have more questions or concerns, or want to have a better understanding of your car and how it works, you should turn to your trusted mechanic at your regular Mc ... read more
Posted on 10/26/2018

If you have a bit of an understanding of your car’s various parts and how they work, then you will feel more comfortable driving it and taking it in for service and maintenance. Perhaps you have realized you need to take your car in for an engine service in McKinney but stopped to ponder what parts make up a car’s engine and how do they work? This knowledge will only benefit you when it comes to taking care of your car, saving you time, effort, and money as well as ensuring your vehicle maintains its value. Your car’s engine The engine is the heart of your car. It is what keeps it alive and running. Gas and diesel vehicles utilize internal combustion engines. The name comes from how the engine works, the fuel and air work together to combust inside the engine which then generates an energy that moves the pistons. The core part of your engine is the cylinder. Inside the cylinder is w ... read more
Posted on 10/19/2018

Having a vehicle of your own comes with a lot of other responsibilities. From taking your car in for regular service, to taking your car in for annual inspections, to renewing your registration, you need to handle the upkeep of your vehicle. Handling the upkeep of your vehicle is necessary in order to make sure the investment of your car retains its value for resale or trade in, to prevent further costs down the line, to make sure that your car is safe to drive, and to make sure that your car is legal to drive. Before renewing your vehicle’s registration When it comes to renewing your registration, you must keep in mind that to ensure you are able to complete it on time, you must take your vehicle in for an inspection and pass that inspection no less than 90 days before your registration is set to expire. To find out your registration expiry date, you can simply c ... read more
Posted on 10/10/2018

While owning a car is great, keeping it maintained can be overwhelming sometimes. However, keeping your car healthy and taking it in for regular services is extremely important. There are a lot of working parts to your vehicle, and you must ensure they are all functioning properly to avoid small issues turning into bigger more expensive ones. When it comes to the various parts of your car, your car’s battery is one of the most important parts. With that kind of responsibility, unfortunately, over time car batteries need to be repaired and replaced. If it is time to give your battery some attention, you will likely pick up on a few signs. Keep reading to learn some of the most common signs that your battery is dying, or pretty much dead. When you try and start your car and hear a clicking sound This is one of the most popular signs of a dying or dead car battery ... read more
Posted on 10/3/2018

When you invest in purchasing a car, you want to make sure you uphold that vehicle and keep it in great condition. Keeping it in great condition means ensuring you take it in for its regular car service in McKinney. However, it is inevitable that sometimes things are still going to go wrong, even if you are taking excellent care of your vehicle. Cars are complicated machines and it isn’t uncommon for their parts to malfunction every once in a while, especially for older vehicles. Having a car means you are going to have to spend money on it, but to save yourself time, effort, and expenditure costs down the line, make sure you pay attention to the functioning of your vehicle. In this case, pay attention to and try and identify any noises your car may be making that are out of the ordinary. Noise #1: Squealing or screeching of your brakes This is a pretty common noise that we h ... read more