As a car owner, it is extremely beneficial to know a little bit about how the vehicle you are driving works. Having a bit of basic knowledge will aid you in terms of safety as well as when it comes to taking your car in for its regular service or if something goes wrong with the vehicle. One particular component car owners often have questions about are their car brakes. Whether your brakes were screeching or you were told you need to have your brake pads replaced, you have likely heard something about them requiring maintenance at some point.
Regardless of the issue or the reason you want to know more, having properly functioning brakes is obviously extremely important. If your brakes respond either too slow, or even too fast it can put you and others at high risk and end up costing you a lot more money in the long run. When assessing your brakes in McKinney, knowing a bit about them and how they work will help you and your mechanic.
How do brakes work?
Whenever you put force onto the brakes from your foot, this force is then amplified in order to compress the hydraulic system and then bring your car to a stop. Obviously, the strength of your foot isn’t enough power to stop your speeding vehicle, but this initiation of pressure is amplified by a hydraulic or electronic booster. Once this happens, the force, then reaches to the master cylinder that contains your brake fluid. The master cylinder, then exerts pressure and the brake pads move towards the rotors or brake shoes and work with the brake drum to then either slow your car down or stop it completely.
Anti-lock braking systems help in the smooth halting of your vehicle, preventing you from skidding, for example, if you are driving on slippery surfaces in bad weather or having to slam on your breaks in traffic or due to a road hazard. There are sensors on your wheels that help to control the pressure of the brakes based on your speed.
What will a brake inspection include?
When you take your car in for a brake inspection, they will want to check all the working parts to make sure that the system is functioning properly. Every part of the brake system is important to ensure you and others safety. The different parts of the brake system that will be checked include:
- Brake pads or shoes
- Rotors or drums
- Wheel cylinders
- Calipers
- Hoses
- Parking brake/emergency brake
- Brake fluid levels
- Master cylinder
- Wheel bearings
How often should you get a brake inspection?
Whenever you take your car in for a yearly maintenance/servicing, you should have a brake inspection completed as well. This ensures that any small problems with your car’s brakes can be addressed immediately before they get too expensive or put you and your loved ones in danger. If you are experiencing any sort of sign that your brakes aren’t functioning properly, bring your car in immediately to Nortex Lube & Tune.
As a highly recommended and trusted car shop in McKinney, we will do whatever it takes to ensure your satisfaction and safety in your vehicle’s needs. If you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment, contact our team at Nortex Lube & Tune today.