Posted on 3/19/2018

It’s no secret that cars have come a long way over the years, and the future of the automobile looks even more intriguing with the introduction of electric and self-driving vehicles. Regardless of whether you own a modernized vehicle or an 80s wonder, it is imperative to stay on top of your vehicle’s regular maintenance needs. In the United States, it seems nearly everyone owns their own car. Many people put more time and money into their car than they do their living situation! Cars are a wonderful invention that provide us with many fantastic luxuries. They take us to and from work, school, after school sporting events, and give us the opportunity to experience our beautiful country at our own pace. But keeping your vehicle in excellent working condition isn’t always as easy as those fancy TV ads make it look. In order to ensure your car lasts for many years to come, you must stay on top of its ... read more
Posted on 3/9/2018

Staying on top of all your car’s maintenance needs can be overwhelming, but it is very important that you do so. Cars require regular tune-ups and, at the very least, some attention from time to time. We often take our vehicles for granted, not really thinking about the well-being of the engine. In fact, most people don’t take the time our cars really need to stay in great working condition. But the engine is the heart of your vehicle, so you should really give it more attention than you probably do! The majority of us don’t think about the engine until it starts making a funny noise or stops working properly. However, you should strive to get your car engine checked at a regular time interval in order to ensure it doesn’t run into any unexpected problems. There are a lot of different moving parts that contribute to how well your car runs, which is why it can be difficult to put your finger on a problem. Furthermore, any number of things can cause or contribute to problems with your ... read more
Posted on 3/5/2018

Learning that your car needs a new transmission can be devastating, especially if you weren’t expecting it. A given vehicle’s transmission is one of the most integral and complicated components. It is composed of hundreds of various hydraulics and computerized parts that all work together in order to help the engine change gears and bring power to the wheels. In a nutshell, the transmission is what keeps your vehicle moving. Whether your vehicle is a few decades old or a newer model, it’s important the transmission is well-maintained and in tip-top shape. In order to avoid a costly transmission replacement, be sure you are aware of the various signs of transmission failure. Over time, things can happen that may lead to your transmission needing a little TLC. This is especially the case with automatic cars. By staying on top of your car’s regu ... read more
Posted on 2/27/2018

Unfortunately, getting a small crack in your windshield is a pretty common thing, and it is typically out of your control. Instances with flying rocks from behind other vehicles, etc., occur in where just the wrong timing can leave you with a crack in your windshield. Many people have a tendency to dismiss these small cracks, believing that it is not worth the time or money to have it repaired. We are here today to tell you that it is actually quite important that you have these cracks repaired as soon as they happen, or otherwise it could end up costing you much more time and money in the future. So, let’s talk about what to do, and what not to do, when you discover a crack in your windshield. What To Do#1 You should first analyze the crack and check how bad it is. Measure the crack or chip and go from there. If the crack is less than 12 inches in length ... read more
Posted on 2/22/2018

Most people have grown up continuously hearing that you should always wear your seatbelt. A lot of times, many of us brush it off, we have the mindset that it is just a quick drive or that as a good driver nothing will happen to us. But, having that mindset puts you at a high risk. It is important to realize that something can happen to you in your car in an instant, and without your seatbelt on, and even when you are driving slow, you can be seriously injured. Accidents are just that, accidents. They are unexpected and unintentional, this is why we have safety features like seatbelts that prepare us and keep us safer in the case of said accidents. Let’s talk about a few of the most important reasons that you and your friends and family should always wear your seatbelt. Reason #1 The job of the seatbelt The seatbelt’s job is to keep you in place. When riding in a vehicle, if you are not wearing a seatbelt when the car is impacted in an accident, it is highly likely ... read more